1 | 8,034 | 7,576 | guard-process | Guard extension to run cli processes |
2 | 35,134 | 41,916 | stormtroopers | Stormtroopers is a jruby execution environment for delayed jobs |
3 | 50,366 | 63,432 | employer | Job processing with pluggable backends made easy |
4 | 56,406 | 63,432 | paperclip-defaults | Configurable application wide defaults for Paperclip |
5 | 58,384 | 63,432 | employer-activerecord | ActiveRecord backend for Employer |
6 | 80,955 | 63,432 | mongoid_store | ActiveSupport Mongoid 3 Cache store. |
7 | 89,096 | 63,432 | nil_object | Simple Null Object implementation |
8 | 91,524 | 63,432 | omniauth-hyves | Hyves strategy for OmniAuth |
9 | 99,648 | 63,432 | employer-mongoid | Mongoid backend for Employer |