Abletech's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,32518,834easy-apiEnables consistent responses for API calls
29,47315,300use_case_patternA module that helps you to implement the Use Case design pattern
315,52627,224easy-deploymentEasy deployment: includes a generator, and capistrano configuration
419,04149,384webhookExecute webhook callbacks easily
519,58812,921easy_reference_dataUsed to create a predefined set of model instances
629,968107,996db_referenceUsed to create a predefined set of model instances
734,37566,011easy_adminCommon Admin maintenance screens
8100,252107,996easy_api_docUse a YAML file to specify your API, and EasyApiDoc will serve up this information with...
9111,24866,011loopyRuby gem for running regularly repeated tasks