1 | 7,577 | 4,508 | magic_test | Create system tests interactively. |
2 | 7,886 | 4,648 | bullet_train | Bullet Train |
3 | 8,337 | 4,730 | bullet_train-super_scaffolding | Bullet Train Super Scaffolding |
4 | 8,511 | 4,732 | bullet_train-themes-light | Bullet Train Themes: Light |
5 | 8,554 | 7,899 | faktory_worker_ruby | Ruby worker for Faktory. |
6 | 8,627 | 4,741 | bullet_train-themes | Bullet Train Themes |
7 | 8,637 | 4,682 | bullet_train-api | API capabilities for apps built with Bullet Train framework |
8 | 8,686 | 4,730 | bullet_train-fields | Bullet Train Fields |
9 | 8,715 | 42,025 | url2png | Generate screenshots from websites almost instantly at any preferred size using ruby an... |
10 | 8,747 | 4,726 | bullet_train-roles | Yaml-backed ApplicationHash for CanCan Roles |
11 | 8,754 | 4,752 | bullet_train-themes-tailwind_css | Bullet Train Themes Tailwind CSS Base |
12 | 8,829 | 4,741 | bullet_train-scope_validator | Protect `belongs_to` attributes from ID stuffing. |
13 | 8,861 | 4,757 | bullet_train-outgoing_webhooks | Allow users of your Rails application to subscribe and receive webhooks when activity t... |
14 | 8,862 | 4,735 | bullet_train-has_uuid | Bullet Train Has UUID |
15 | 8,902 | 4,723 | bullet_train-super_load_and_authorize_resource | Bullet Train Super Load And Authorize Resource |
16 | 8,950 | 4,706 | bullet_train-integrations-stripe | Example Stripe platform integration for Bullet Train applications. |
17 | 8,991 | 4,766 | bullet_train-incoming_webhooks | Bullet Train Incoming Webhooks |
18 | 8,996 | 4,750 | bullet_train-sortable | Bullet Train Sortable |
19 | 9,004 | 4,741 | bullet_train-obfuscates_id | Bullet Train Obfuscates ID |
20 | 9,008 | 4,717 | bullet_train-scope_questions | Bullet Train Scope Questions |
21 | 9,036 | 4,740 | bullet_train-integrations | Bullet Train Integrations |
22 | 9,288 | 4,718 | jbuilder-schema | Generate JSON Schema from Jbuilder files |
23 | 18,195 | 42,025 | funktor | Background processing in AWS Lambda. |
24 | 18,621 | 42,025 | phocoder-rails | Rails engine for easy integration with phocoder.com |
25 | 20,675 | 16,068 | middleman-alias | Redirects for Middleman that are friendly to the Googles. |
26 | 22,428 | 26,609 | easyxdm-rails | Add easyXDM to your app. |
27 | 22,928 | 42,025 | polaris_view_helpers | Rails helpers for Shopify Polaris. |
28 | 28,940 | 53,556 | easymarklet | The easiest way to create bookmarklets in your rails app. |
29 | 30,710 | 42,025 | cloudhdr_rails | Ruby wrapper for the CloudHdr Processing API |
30 | 35,797 | 22,512 | heroku-request-id | Simple Rack middleware to log the heroku request id and write it to the end of html req... |
31 | 48,224 | 86,038 | phocoder-rb | The ruby client for the phocoder.com API. |
32 | 55,317 | 53,556 | middleman-automatic-clowncar | Automatically generated responsive images for middleman. |
33 | 71,406 | 86,038 | simple_date_fix | Fixes for date queries in AWS::Record |
34 | 78,188 | 86,038 | techlahoma_auth | A gem that allows a Rails app to be an client of TechlahomaAuthProvider. |
35 | 81,701 | 35,920 | clickfunnels_auth | A gem that allows a Rails app to be an OAuth client of Clickfunnels. |
36 | 83,707 | 86,038 | simple_unique | A simple gem to add `validates_uniqueness_of` to `AWS::Record::Model` supplied by `aws-... |
37 | 92,894 | 53,556 | uuid_ids | A simple gem to auto generate UUIDs for the id field of models. |
38 | 93,092 | 86,038 | cloudhdr_auth | Auth gem for CloudHDR projects. |
39 | 93,891 | 86,038 | payola_spy | A quick and dirty Rails engine for watching Payola payment activity. |
40 | 102,117 | 86,038 | orm_adapter_aws | A SimpleDB adapter for the orm_adapter gem. |
41 | 103,649 | 53,556 | cloudhdr | Ruby wrapper for the CloudHdr Processing API |
42 | 104,303 | 86,038 | simple_callbacks | Create, update and validate callbacks for AWS::Record::Model. |
43 | 113,383 | 86,038 | so_auth | A gem that allows a Rails app to be an client of SoAuthProvider. |
44 | 113,584 | 86,038 | securenv | Securely store and set ENV variables via AWS SSM. |
45 | 127,655 | 86,038 | carrierwave-aws-record-model | CarrierWave for AWS::Record::Model |
46 | 132,946 | 42,025 | herokenv | Easily pull Heroku environment variables into non-Heroku environments. |
47 | 152,274 | 42,025 | trace_graph | Generate a visua graph of method calls |