Acook's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,75186,038rails-bigint-pkRails-bigint-pk modifies Rails so that it uses 64-bit primary and f...
226,73286,038config_moduleConfigModule loads a YAML file into a module to make it easy to access and maintain you...
328,19324,968remedyPure Ruby console interaction library in the vein of Curses with MVC-style seperation o...
436,85642,025uspecUspec is a shiny little spec framework for your apps! Unlike other testing frameworks t...
573,65053,556that_object_is_so_basicTOISB provides a wrapper class and a helper module for dealing with BasicObjects in style!
674,83586,038telepathSorta like IPC for people to GTD.
778,20386,038enumerable_deep_searchRecursively search enumerable objects for a given object or string.
897,54486,038dlisterDlister is sort of an 'ls' clone for Ruby. It has some enhanced features and minor diff...
999,97835,920logsaberA logger for a more civilized age. Intelligent logs for your applications.
10100,22186,038find_and_mapFinds the first element for which the block returns non-falsy and returns the value.
11119,46386,038cukeplusplusThis clean and easy to use Cucumber formatter displays scenarios as they are run, displ...
12136,48253,556hypercubeA virtual machine manager that doesn't suck as much as doing everything manually.
13136,95886,038glass_shardIn development.
14139,75286,038rivalryThe (fast!) duplicate file finder for Ruby! Supports media file and ignoring SCM direct...
15140,22486,038tales_from_the_cryptIn development.
16144,31453,556impastaA test spy that can impersonate a given class and/or track methods passed to it.
17161,85553,556introspectMakes digging deeper into Ruby objects easier.