Tddium's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,51441,086tddium_clientInternal Gem used to call the Tddium API
26,84761,367tddiumSolano CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. Yo...
38,56761,367solanoPredix CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. Yo...
411,58461,367tddium-previewtddium runs your rspec, cucumber, and test::unit tests in our managed cloud environment...
512,00841,086webdriver-firefoxLockless Support for Webdriver and Firefox
614,57061,367tddium-sys-proctableTesting a separate publish to see if I can get the mac install to work with bundler. ...
717,2818,124ansibleAnsible is a fast (somewhat rough) conversion tool that takes a string with ANSI escape...
819,17161,367antillesAntilles uses Mimic to set up a stub HTTP server that a CLI tool being tested with cucu...
942,68661,367tddium_reportingTddium reporting utilities. Includes support for tddium selenium screencaptures
10124,08861,367tddium-linecache19Linecache is a module for reading and caching lines. This may be useful for example in ...
11131,47861,367tddium-ruby-debug-base19ruby-debug is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is imple...
12132,78161,367tddium-oldtddium gets your rspec+selenium tests into the cloud by running them on your VMs