Vincentbatts's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,86963,432slack-utilsslack-utils is a means by which to access package information on the Slackware Linux O...
257,26763,432gemjamCreate java jar, for jRuby, from gems or a bundler Gemfile
3101,38430,305rb-mailnotifymail notification-ish tools
4107,39663,432monkey-fuckpurely to have fun with ruby monkey patching
5137,16841,916ratpoisonbindings for the rapoison WM
6144,13763,432libcgroupbindings for libcgroup
7145,65263,432persistent-shell-historyThis is a quick job, to have a local database, to collect _all_ commands from ~/.bash_h...