Aslakhellesoy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,8708,353gherkin3Gherkin parser
26,9369,357win32screenshotCapture Screenshots on Windows with Ruby to bmp, gif, jpg or png formats.
39,46119,101cucumber-rails-training-wheelsTraining Wheels for Cucumber-Rails
411,21561,367boolBoolean expression evaluator
515,30161,367rscmRSCM is a Ruby library for various Source Control Management (SCM) systems.
617,70261,367cuke4dukeWrite Cucumber Step Definitions in Java, Scala, Groovy, Rhino Javascript, Clojure or Ioke
718,05741,086cucumber-proClient library for publishing results to the Cucumber Pro service
820,71861,367ansi2htmlConvert ANSI escape sequences to styleable HTML markup
921,75514,600meta_projectMetaProject (formerly XForge) is a library that allows interaction with various project...
1024,52761,367xforgeXForge is a simple library to interact with RubyForge, SourceForge, GForge or other Sou...
1129,01061,367rspec_generatorRSpec plugin and generator for Ruby on Rails
1230,69761,367cucumber-rails2Cucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails
1448,05861,367ruby-usbruby-usb is a libusb binding library for Ruby.
1551,12941,086spec_uiRun UI RSpec examples with screenshot reports
1664,79441,086funfxFunctional testing for Flex
1780,63661,367cucumber-javaCucumber for Java
1892,93861,367tclA minimal Ruby interface to libtcl
1993,07161,367rspec-extRSpec Extensions
20111,41161,367aslakhellesoy-bcatpipe to browser utility
21125,99061,367spec_distributedRun RSpec distributed with DRb or Rinda
22131,13661,367git_acl_shellProtects access to git, using an ACL HTTP endpoint...
23134,09133,893petrinetPetri Net simulator
24151,74161,367aruba-contribThis gem contains all steps/API methods which might be valueable for the 'aruba'-commun...