K0st's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,6523,866nessus_restRuby library for Nessus (version 6+) JSON/REST interface. This library is used for comm...
23,6573,901openvas-ompCommunicate with OpenVAS manager through OMP. This library is used for communication w...
383,85433,893nessus-xmlrpcRuby library for Nessus XMLRPC interface and Nessus command line example of using Ruby ...
491,60425,716nessus_consoleThis is simple Nessus console with help of pry: Interact with Nessus through terminal.
593,60161,367dockscansecurity vulnerability and audit scanner for Docker installations.
697,35761,367poloapiProvides a wrapper for poloniex.com api. It allows to programmaticaly trade cryptocurre...
797,69125,716offrepOffensive reporting.
8121,49733,893nasl_emuThis is basic implementation of NASL specific functions in order to speed up PoC/exploi...
9138,28861,367gpp-decryptGroup Policy Preferences (GPP) password decryption. gpp-decrypt is tool released by Chr...
10167,20041,086neohubInterface to Neohub in the cloud. Control your thermostat by ruby script.
11170,40061,367rdpcmdExecute commands on Windows via RDP. Helps if you need to run commands on large number ...
12171,93661,367remminaRuby support classes for Remmina