Pjotrp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,43816,242bio-blastxmlparserFast big data BLAST XML parser and library; this libxml2 based version is 50x faster th...
226,56719,942bio-gff3GFF3 (genome browser) information and digest mRNA and CDS sequences. Options for low me...
329,95616,242bio-vcfSmart lazy multi-threaded parser for VCF format with useful filtering and output rewrit...
431,13220,990bio-alignmentSupport for multiple sequence alignments (MSA)
531,90020,990bio-loggerLog4r wrapper for BioRuby
632,00915,272bio-tableFunctions and tools for tranforming and changing tab delimited and comma separated tabl...
741,24728,086bio-bigbioFasta reader, ORF emitter, sequence translation
848,37218,952bio-gemma-wrapperGEMMA wrapper adds LOCO and permutation support. Also runs in parallel and caches K bet...
965,31189,538rq-ruby1.8Zero configuration job scheduler for computer clusters
1070,35040,337bio-rdfStore relationships in a triple-store, such as gene enrichment and QTL, and use this in...
1170,70435,144bio-affyAffymetrix microarray file format parser (CEL/CDF) for Ruby. FFI binding to Biolib po...
1276,10725,774bio-locusA tool for fast querying and filtering of genome locations in VCF and other formats
1380,77689,538regressiontestRegression testing for the command line, and library API
1485,32489,538once-onlyRun programs and scripts once only. Especially useful for PBS and GRID computing
15131,50658,808bio-exominerParse publications for gene names in a fuzzy fashion
16159,39458,808bio-qtlHDRuby tools and scripts for QTL mapping, part of the qtlHD project