Modcloth's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,68530,732mc-settingsManage application configuration and settings per deployment environment
244,73857,505butcherChef is a tool for managing server automation. A good butcher makes for a good chef.
346,21857,505iv-cliPeer into your cloud infrastructure, using APIs from various providers
557,06557,505ivA wrapper for several gems related to infrastructure visualization
660,42019,502dockerizeDockerizes your application
763,95957,505fakesmtpdA fake SMTP server with a minimal HTTP API
886,19757,505mtbbMinitest-based black box testing thing
987,37530,732stingray-execStingray Traffic Manager Control API Client
10136,15457,505cucumber-formatter-onelineA formatter for Cucumber that uses single lines!
11138,91257,505rack-auth-travisRack auth for Travis CI webhook requests!