Pyromaniac's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,9786,461active_dataMaking object from any hash or hash array
25,80211,776activeuuidAdd binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in MySQL
36,8116,906mongoid_orderableEnables Mongoid models to track their position in list
415,53070,066pufferAdmin interface builder
519,72338,544puffer_pagesPuffer pages is integratable rails CMS with puffer admin interface
635,30319,037contextualityContextual global variables
736,89732,433hoofHoof is linux variant of pow. It's based on nss, eventmachine and unicorn
855,34919,537hotcellSandboxed ruby template processor
971,6999,731operationsOperations framework
10121,31515,434bookingsync-rubocopShared Rubocop configuration for Bookingsync projects
11133,28070,066secure_routesRouting-level ssl support for ruby application actions