Alloy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1213182claideA small command-line interface framework.
2238212xcodeprojXcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management...
3290224napNap is a really simple REST library. It allows you to perform HTTP requests with mi...
4363435cocoapodsCocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project. You specify the depende...
5376447cocoapods-coreThe CocoaPods-Core gem provides support to work with the models of CocoaPods. It is i...
6429368terminal-notifierSend User Notifications on macOS 10.10 or higher.
7460582molinilloProvides support for dependency resolution
8489577cocoapods-downloaderA small library for downloading files from remotes in a folder.
9594702cocoapods-trunkInteract with
10643699cocoapods-deintegrateA CocoaPods plugin to remove and de-integrate CocoaPods from your project.
11655698cocoapods-tryCocoaPods plugin which allows to quickly try the demo project of a Pod.
12678704cocoapods-pluginsThis CocoaPods plugin shows information about all available CocoaPods plugins ...
131,4315,679cocoapods-statsUploads statistics for Pod Analytics.
145,5466,999adyenPackage to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...
1511,05011,931motion-cocoapodsmotion-cocoapods allows RubyMotion projects to have access to the CocoaPods dependency ...
1611,8039,352kickerAllows you to fire specific command on file-system change.
1712,1238,837mocha-on-baconA Mocha adapter for Bacon, because it's yummy!
1812,26633,946cocoapods-try-release-fixCocoaPods plugin which allows to quickly try the demo project of a Pod.
1912,81030,170lowdownA Ruby client for the HTTP/2 version of the Apple Push Notification Service.
2014,21130,170broachRuby implementation of 37signal's Campfire API.
2116,78014,710ensure-encodingEnsure the character encoding in Strings coming from untrusted sources.
2218,46774,510dietrbIRB on a diet, for MacRuby / Ruby 1.9
2321,29927,620sagaSaga reads its own story format and formats to other output formats using templates.
2425,00719,038misoMiso is a unified API for simple image operations commonly used on the web.
2526,29447,329fingercapFingercap is a set of recipes and tasks meant for deploying to Fingertips servers.
2629,67174,510time_zone_schedulerA library that assists in scheduling events whilst taking time zones into account.
2731,94230,170authorization-sanA plugin for authorization in a ReSTful application.
2835,54520,264peckConcurrent spec framework.
2938,45524,241fingertips-adyenPackage to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...
3038,91725,792mollie-smsSend SMS text messages via the SMS gateway.
3139,94374,510svn-campfire-notifierA post-commit hook for Subversion that notifies Campfire of commits.
3248,84174,510validation-setsA Rails plugin that adds validation sets to Active Record.
3349,04824,241peck-on-railsPeck-On-Rails is an extension for Peck to make testing Rails easier.
3449,93820,264peiji-sanPeijiSan is a Rails plugin which uses named scopes to create a thin pagination layer.
3552,87974,510rucolaRucola is an extension for RubyCocoa. It has a application skeleton generator and build...
3656,65574,510unicharsUnichars is a wrapper around Glib2 UTF8 functions.
3756,76824,241on-test-specRails plugin to make testing Rails on test/spec easier.
3857,34227,620ojaOja is a Ruby client for verification of Apple Store Receipts.
3957,48274,510mac_baconBacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all ...
4058,08374,510executionerExecute CLI utilities
4168,26438,694fingerrailsA self contained version of the Fingertips Rails template
4274,33874,510validates_email-sanA simple Rails plugin which adds a validates_email class method to ActiveRecord::Base.
4375,36247,329appriseApprise gives an overview of the dependencies of a Rails application.
4476,87838,694attachment-sanRails plugin for easy and rich attachment manipulation.
4578,48647,329attribute-permissionsA plugin to manage attribute permissions on ActiveRecord more effectively
4679,31447,329authentication-needed-sanA thin wrapper around the Rails `flash' object to assist in redirecting the user `back'...
4780,28138,694supremeRuby implementation of the Mollie iDEAL API
4884,88274,510claide-completionCLI completion plugin for CLAide.
4987,93847,329revupA simple deploy tool, packaged as a rake task. Currently targeted for
5088,17474,510fngtps-weblogWeblog tools.
5190,41133,946ppaneThe Passenger Pane is a preference pane on Mac OS X. Ppane is the backend tool that...
5291,75738,694mocha-macrubyMocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbi...
5393,14647,329amiokA small tool to check the status of your Apache vhosts
5493,49733,946office_csvTiny wrapper around FasterCSV to create CSV which is read properly by Microsoft Office.
5595,16447,329rfc-3339-attributesA tiny Rails plugin to allow validation on RFC-3339 datetime attributes.
56108,14274,510attribute-viewsA plugin converting between value objects and record columns.
57115,19974,510git-svn-mirrorA command-line tool that automates the task of creating a GIT mirror for a SVN repo, an...
58120,14174,510fakutori-sanFakutoriSan is a lean model factory plugin which uses vanilla Ruby to define the factor...
59120,68474,510crockCrock is a tiny implementation of JSON serialization in pure Ruby.
60122,83974,510certificate-depotCertificate depot is a mini Certification Authority for TLS client certificates.
61123,19674,510macruby-asl-loggerA MacRuby wrapper of the Apple System Log facility
62124,29774,510internetkassaA library to make online payments using ABN-AMRO (Dutch bank) Internetkassa.
63124,88774,510risosu-sanRisosuSan is a Rails plugin that assists in situations where a resource controller is n...
64134,96247,329typicalA Ruby library to describe the types of your data and ways to validate them.
65139,00774,510revision-sanA simple Rails plugin which creates revisions of your model and comes with an equally s...