Jgwmaxwell's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,11413,766api_authThe gem will handle adding API tokens to your user account, and handle the authenticati...
220,59537,338mongoid_siloMongoidSilo gives a simple way to create static representations of models
353,28462,315cambeltThis gem makes it simple to embed images within your code with a nice Ruby DSL.
456,46962,315liquid_loaderSee Summary
564,574105,340truss-routerTruss Router is a modular Rack Router for Truss
671,57662,315sanctionProvides a JSON format for describing complex nested permission sets
776,718105,340consul-kvSimple wrapper around the Consul KV store.
879,47224,116activerpcSimple, dependable JSONRpc 2.0 Server library for Rails
980,469105,340moped-session_storeMoped::SessionStore is a performant ActiveSupport Session store implementation for Mong...
1080,631105,340harrodsHow much does that cost?!
1184,277105,340quaidTotal Recall for Mongoid
12128,583105,340redis-haRedisHA is an attempt at a highly available Redis Installation
13128,743105,340dostuffDo stuff will do stuff - because it is that awesome.
14130,354105,340mongoid_integer_keysThis gem for change Mongoid id field as Integer like MySQL. Idea from MongoDB docume...
15131,777105,340oceanOcean is a High Performance Liquid Library
16132,58145,403lackeyLackey is a Job Processor inspired by Minion
17134,465105,340mongoid-permalinkMongoid::Permalink generates simple permalinks for Mongoid 3 applications.
18135,98862,315trussTruss is a Rack based framework that creates Rack endpoints with a nice DSL
19136,314105,340refinerycms-pgsearchProvides extra functionality for searching your frontend website using Refinery CMS.
20139,651105,340lifecycleLifecycle is an abstraction for dealing with asynchronously updating related events.
21144,67662,315wharfieWharfie is a Ruby client for Docker.
22146,126105,340cavernCavern is an AWS S3 compatible service backed by MongoDB GridFS.
23150,14562,315operativeOperative is an out-of-bound processor for tasks.