Joshnuss's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,65161,367appboyAppboy wrapper
240,97641,086go_easy_btnHook up easy button via USB serial port and trigger shell commands
355,64361,367spree_contact_formAdd a contact form for your spree website, you can setup topics and when the user submi...
457,76661,367tiltdServe static files with rack and tilt
575,89961,367spree_faqWith this gem you get an faq page and the management tools to make it very easy to upda...
678,45141,086spree_testimonialsWith this gem you get management tools to make it very easy to update your testimonials...
780,83461,367spree_html_emailProvides html email templates for all Spree's outgoing emails
885,47661,367spree_sitemap_generatorProvides a sitemap file for Spree
9101,69561,367spree_shipstationIntegrates ShipStation API with Spree. Supports exporting shipments and importing track...
10114,45341,086sprangularSpree frontend using angular.js
11118,77561,367bcm2835Bindings for libbcm2385
12128,19461,367spree_stock_notificationsNotifies when stock levels are low or item goes out of stock
13129,18561,367spree_awesome_blogAdds a basic blog with admin management tools
14129,90761,367spree_product_feedA Spree extension that provides an RSS feed for products, with Google Shopper extensions
15136,81841,086mercury_engineAdds models and helpers that make it easy to integrate Mercury Editor into any rails app
16151,74161,367sprangular_cliCreate sprangular extensions