1 | 10,850 | 7,147 | auditable | A simple gem that audit ActiveRecord models' attributes or methods by taking snapshots ... |
2 | 46,037 | 97,699 | harleytt-gvoice-ruby | gvoice-ruby is currently a very preliminary project with limited functionality basicall... |
3 | 53,151 | 97,699 | harleytt-capistrano-gitflow | Capistrano recipe for a deployment workflow based on git tags |
4 | 55,333 | 97,699 | miniprofiler | Page loading speed displayed on every page. Optimize while you develop, performance is ... |
5 | 58,292 | 97,699 | asana-ruby | Ruby API wrapper for Asana, supporting workspaces, projects, tasks, tags, users and sto... |
6 | 75,680 | 12,068 | creds_env | Combine the benefits of the widely used ENV vars approach with the encrypted credential... |
7 | 91,673 | 53,223 | harleytt-ansitags | Converts ANSI codes to HTML tags |
8 | 118,143 | 97,699 | db_tunnel | Never put database in public because it's not as secure as SSH. Connect to DB via SSH f... |
9 | 121,369 | 97,699 | harleytt-simplepay | This gem provides a Rails interface to the Amazon Simple Pay payment service. |
10 | 155,239 | 97,699 | htmovies | This gem parses 123phim.vn to provide the list of movies and cinemas. |
11 | 157,487 | 97,699 | dont_think | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
12 | 160,641 | 97,699 | phim | A longer description that tells you the same thing. |
13 | 162,217 | 97,699 | lecture7 | A longer description that we don't need right now. |
14 | 167,007 | 53,223 | circle-art | Provide repo name and it will download from various containers |