1 | 3,105 | 3,146 | simple-navigation | With the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations f... |
2 | 11,359 | 10,886 | memfs | MemFs provides a fake file system that can be used for tests. Strongly inspired by FakeFS. |
3 | 12,537 | 86,038 | AbsoluteRenamer | AbsoluteRenamer is a very powerful tool that helps files and directories renaming using... |
4 | 20,185 | 9,610 | pdfmonkey | Generate awesome PDF with web technologies at pdfmonkey.io |
5 | 22,536 | 21,532 | ariane | Ariane is a flexible breadcrumb system for Rails. It is fully compatible with the Twitt... |
6 | 25,714 | 86,038 | mustachejs-rails | This gem provides mustache.js for your Rails 3 application. |
7 | 30,593 | 86,038 | versioned_seeds | Manage your seed scripts by versioning them |
8 | 36,396 | 53,556 | mustdown | Rails helpers to use Markdown and Mustache all together |
9 | 55,264 | 86,038 | sinatra-has_scope | HasScope readaptation for the Sinatra micro-framework |
10 | 64,408 | 86,038 | AbsoluteRenamer-system | AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides system informations (such as username, OS name,... |
11 | 69,265 | 86,038 | AbsoluteRenamer-date | AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides date functions (such as NOW or file date, ...) ... |
12 | 71,190 | 86,038 | business_pipeline | A new business pipeline architecture for Rails applications |
13 | 78,625 | 86,038 | activerecord-auto_defaults | Sets the default values of nil attributes based on the database schema. |
14 | 79,082 | 86,038 | ruploy | If you want to manage several Rack apps using different versions of Ruby via RVM, Ruplo... |
15 | 87,145 | 86,038 | gettext_json | Rails plugin that make possible to use GetText ranslations in javascipt. |
16 | 118,149 | 86,038 | mini_colors-rails | jQuery miniColors for Rails 3.1+ |