Lucasallan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17752,154refLibrary that implements weak, soft, and strong references in Ruby that work across mult...
216,20225,458crampCramp is a framework for developing asynchronous web applications.
342,14063,432omniauth-podioOmniAuth strategy for Podio.
447,77519,893salesforceapi-restRuby wrapper to access salesforce rest api
564,12663,432google_moviesRuby wrapper to access google movies informations
6101,41230,305representable_resourcesRubygem to create representable resources of your models. This gem is kind of class pro...
7105,45463,432ssl_scannerGet ssl information from domains
8122,98463,432harakiriharakiri is a simple gem for url shortening, using a tinyurl and googl service
9131,86963,432password_strongCheck password strength with ActiveRecord support
10131,89263,432cassandra_object_railsCassandra ActiveModel
11139,71563,432omniauth-unbounceUnbounce strategy for OmniAuth 1.0