Hitode909's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,70413,800kindaikindai.rb is kindai digital library downloader.
217,30710,392capistrano_shell_historycapistrano_shell_history saves the history of Capistrano Shell.
340,76286,038user-stream-receiverUser Stream Receiver.
442,96331,663google-ime-skkSKK Server which uses Google CGI API for Japanese Input
550,29686,038cui8tracks8tracks player on terminal
657,70486,038xrtRefactoring Tool for Text::Xslate
770,14231,663guard-tapGuard::Tap automatically run your tests using TAP(Test Anything Protocol).
883,95986,038glitch-imeGlitch IME using Google CGI API for Japanese Input
987,90686,038each-with-loggingeach with logging gem.
1092,67042,025gyastgyast takes a screen capture and upload to gist.
1198,01286,038gemfile2opmlgemfile2opml is a command line tool which generates OPML from Gemfile. You can subscrib...
12122,78886,038thenthen is fork for method chain