Joelhelbling's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
140,84726,758squares[*] Lightweight ORM backed by any hash-like storage: Redis, LevelDB or plain old hashes.
273,988103,205locomotivecms-freightImports posts, comments and images from a WordPress site. Rewrites URLs for images and...
388,819103,205ignoranceEnsures specified files are ignored by Git, Mercurial or SVN.
491,60060,926stepladderStepladder grew out of experimentation with Ruby fibers, after readings Dave Thomas' de...
596,07460,926token_chainGenerates a deterministic chain of tokens from a passphrase.
699,90880,006coyProtects sensitive file artifacts in a project, e.g. a yaml file with passwords in it.
7120,668103,205cuke_writerA custom Cucumber formatter which collects steps and generates serialized sets of Cucum...
8128,182103,205legitableTables are easier to read. Legitable makes it easy to display plain text output in tab...
9129,640103,205motherEver wish you had effortless, JS-like access to a deeply nested yaml?
10135,59280,006anjouRemote pair programming made super easy
11139,683103,205shiftyShifty provides tools for coordinating simple workers which consume a supplying queue a...
12152,499103,205poke-stickA command-line client for the Poke message transport server.