Ezkl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,1492,425sax-machineDeclarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri, Ox or Oga
27,50141,086feedzirraThis project has been renamed to Feedjira, find out more at feedjira.com.
317,26010,892pauperInspired by Vagrant but much much simpler. Also uses LXC, instead of Virtualbox.
426,65961,367capitCapIt provides a simple Ruby interface to Björn Höhrmann's CutyCapt.
533,17861,367snifflesSniffles helps you detect which popular CMS, analytics, and advertising platforms a web...
638,86161,367iofferVery basic iOffer.com parser using Nibbler.
763,79261,367craftBuild page objects in Capybara
864,89161,367exciseExcise is a Ruby port of extract-values
975,68661,367geo_ipsRuby library to access the GeoIPs.com IP geo-location API
1079,87329,456phishtankRuby interface to OpenDNS's PhishTank API
1180,43361,367selldotcomA very simplistic interface for Sell.com that allows you to perform searches and parse ...
1280,47461,367friendly_ghostCasperJS commands run in processes spawned by Ruby
13101,91161,367ziptasticRuby port of Thomas Schultz's Ziptastic API
14103,81561,367ip2locationA simple client for the free IP2Location API.
15104,71110,892dimapaA modern Ruby implementation of Google's Diff Match Patch
16121,09661,367freegeoipRuby Client for FreeGeoIP's geolocation API
17126,61761,367enrycherA Ruby interface to Enrycher text-processing API
18129,36141,086noshA very simple Typhoeus/Nokogiri wrapper. Conceptually based on the eat library.
19130,45061,367typhoeus-simpleI like the open method provided by open-uri, so I copied it for use with Typhoeus and N...
20132,89561,367tyShortcuts for Typhoeus
21146,49561,367jlogRuby C-extension for JLog
22158,19261,367borgesThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
23161,64661,367devlyA tool for development environments