1 | 2,149 | 2,425 | sax-machine | Declarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri, Ox or Oga |
2 | 7,501 | 41,086 | feedzirra | This project has been renamed to Feedjira, find out more at feedjira.com. |
3 | 17,260 | 10,892 | pauper | Inspired by Vagrant but much much simpler. Also uses LXC, instead of Virtualbox. |
4 | 26,659 | 61,367 | capit | CapIt provides a simple Ruby interface to Björn Höhrmann's CutyCapt. |
5 | 33,178 | 61,367 | sniffles | Sniffles helps you detect which popular CMS, analytics, and advertising platforms a web... |
6 | 38,861 | 61,367 | ioffer | Very basic iOffer.com parser using Nibbler. |
7 | 63,792 | 61,367 | craft | Build page objects in Capybara |
8 | 64,891 | 61,367 | excise | Excise is a Ruby port of extract-values |
9 | 75,686 | 61,367 | geo_ips | Ruby library to access the GeoIPs.com IP geo-location API |
10 | 79,873 | 29,456 | phishtank | Ruby interface to OpenDNS's PhishTank API |
11 | 80,433 | 61,367 | selldotcom | A very simplistic interface for Sell.com that allows you to perform searches and parse ... |
12 | 80,474 | 61,367 | friendly_ghost | CasperJS commands run in processes spawned by Ruby |
13 | 101,911 | 61,367 | ziptastic | Ruby port of Thomas Schultz's Ziptastic API |
14 | 103,815 | 61,367 | ip2location | A simple client for the free IP2Location API. |
15 | 104,711 | 10,892 | dimapa | A modern Ruby implementation of Google's Diff Match Patch |
16 | 121,096 | 61,367 | freegeoip | Ruby Client for FreeGeoIP's geolocation API |
17 | 126,617 | 61,367 | enrycher | A Ruby interface to Enrycher text-processing API |
18 | 129,361 | 41,086 | nosh | A very simple Typhoeus/Nokogiri wrapper. Conceptually based on the eat library. |
19 | 130,450 | 61,367 | typhoeus-simple | I like the open method provided by open-uri, so I copied it for use with Typhoeus and N... |
20 | 132,895 | 61,367 | ty | Shortcuts for Typhoeus |
21 | 146,495 | 61,367 | jlog | Ruby C-extension for JLog |
22 | 158,192 | 61,367 | borges | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
23 | 161,646 | 61,367 | devly | A tool for development environments |