Lkdjiin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,30230,305coco"Code coverage tool for ruby 2.0 to 2.3. Simply "require 'coco'" from rspec or unit/tes...
228,54863,432genitGenit builds a **static web site**, that is a web site without server side programing ...
329,42563,432ackrAckr is the smallest subset of ack/rak/ag I can think of. For lazy developers
447,04713,614RSokobanRSokoban is a clone of the famous Sokoban game. I wrote this program just to improve my...
550,26941,916bookmarksBookmarks is a library to parse or build a file of bookmarks, currently only files in n...
670,95430,305electrInteractive tiny language for electronic formulas
772,00141,916columnsAnnotates activerecord models using `db/schema.rb`.
883,04663,432happy_phone_numberHappy Phone Number provides easy methods to format phone numbers from your Rails models...
996,14163,432turing_machineA Turing machine that can run your instruction set
10105,51563,432tilingTiling provides a simple window tiling system for linux. This is for those who cannot (...
11119,73763,432json2json2 takes a json file as input and outputs a clean csv.
12124,04363,432gh-issuesDisplay issues from a GitHub repository in a console window. Retreive issues with the '...
13131,98530,305cellulaCellula aims to be a framework for building, running and studying cellular automata.
14137,28763,432zenity-wrapperWhat did you expect with that name? Zenity-wrapper is a ruby wrapper over the zenity ut...
15145,82163,432c8dasmc8dasm is a utility to disassemble a Chip8 binary file.