Andreacfm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,98326,098active_metadataPulled out of a bigger codebase. Still not ready to be easily reused!
210,26634,466acts_as_assetsManage multiple assets related to a specific model
316,65414,489corn_jsIt's possible to use the generic popcorn and the app specific fat popcorn plugin
439,43780,049f-matchersRspec matchers to be shared and reused
541,78019,768rack-tor-blockIdentify and prevent tor users to access a Rack / Rails application.
644,93661,626h5_uploaderGem add a form builder called uploader that shows a button for multiple file uploads us...
752,01761,626frac-foreignerForeigner adapted to SQLServer and with natural primary key support for schema dumper a...
853,36380,049kemen_foreignerForeign keys for Rails
956,41280,049ku_furegister who created, updated or deleted an active record object
1063,17530,826bootstrap-datetime-picker-for-railsAdd to the rails asset pipeline
1176,80980,049kgestpayserver to server implementation for gestpay gateway
1279,61034,466custom_streamsCreate custom activities streams from a streamer "Model"
1385,49680,049zioA description of your project
1485,60026,098boolean_datepickerTrace the datetime of the last time a boolean field has been saved with e true value.
1589,91246,897activities_feedCreate an incremental activities feed applying a feedable role to Models
1694,00180,049fractal-matchersRspec matchers used in
17153,21580,049mongoid-tokensPorting of tokens of Nando Vieira for Mongoid