Zapotek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,3867,963arachni-rpcArachni::RPC is a simple and lightweight Remote Procedure Call protocol used to...
210,1797,814arachni-reactorArachni::Reactor is a simple, lightweight, pure-Ruby implementation of the Reactor ...
311,50925,716arachniArachni is a feature-full, modular, high-performance Ruby framework aimed towards helpi...
422,59661,367arachni-rpc-emEventMachine-based client and server implementation of Arachni-RPC supporting T...
537,17561,367arachni-rpc-purePure Ruby client implementation of the Arachni-RPC protocol.
638,62061,367cuboidAn application-centric, decentralised and distributed computing solution.
743,76661,367arachni-typhoeusOriginal @
8119,74161,367toqToq is a simple and lightweight Remote Procedure Call protocol used to provide ...
9120,49514,600peplumPeplum allows you to easily combine the resources of multiple machines and build a Beow...
10144,00861,367raktrRaktr is a simple, lightweight, pure-Ruby implementation of the Reactor pattern, ma...
11165,59421,627peplum-nmapDistributed NMap backed by Peplum.
12166,93861,367dselDSL/API generator and runner.
13175,04625,716peplum-johnA distributed approach to the John the Ripper password recovery tool
14178,24233,893peplum-templatePeplum template project.
15181,73261,367scnr-introspectorRack application security scanner built around the SCNR::Engine.
16181,95861,367scnr-ethonVery lightweight libcurl wrapper.