Mateomurphy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,56561,367beatportA ruby gem for accessing the beatport api
226,70921,627rails_locale_detectionSets the current locale of a request using a combination of params, cookies, and http h...
333,33461,367display_forA Rails library for displaying data, in tabular and other formats
436,77461,367test_frameA set of gems for testing rails apps
554,20061,367app_frameAn app framework
667,47361,367service_runnerService runner for rails
770,86661,367keenerUnofficial gem for accessing
874,33461,367uploadify_rails3A Rails 3 gem for uploadify
978,89661,367rails_meta_tagsEasily manage your meta tags in rails projects
10106,09933,893omniauth-beatportOmniAuth strategy for Beatport
11127,09461,367disable_asset_loggingDisables asset logging in the development log