Mikz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1688592slack-ruby-clientSlack Web and RealTime API client.
2836898formtasticA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup
39,7829,004codeclimate-parallel-test-reporterWraps codeclimate-test-reporter to send parallel test results with ease
411,8048,264kickerAllows you to fire specific command on file-system change.
515,88053,556rack-no_animationsRack middleware to stop CSS/jQuery animations.
617,76986,038config_forSimplifies YAML parsing in Sinatra and Rails applications. Provides tools to generate c...
719,32022,512o2hCollection of recipes and gem dependencies for o2h deployment
823,76186,038rack-x_served_byAllows you to know from which server the response originated from.
931,74435,920pg_dumperProvides abstraction layer between pg_dump utility and ruby. Also adds rake task to eas...
1033,70586,038rack-jspmAids development by adding caching headers for jspm packages
1139,83635,920yard-delegateGenerates docs for delegated methods
1244,60586,038prssSimple fetcher of HDbits private RSS stream
1345,43086,038stack_commanderWrite simple commands that execute on stack
1450,03822,512jenkins-buildUsing Github Pull Request Plugin and Jenkins with GitHub authentication
1550,35586,038rspec-dom-testingWraps rails-dom-testing into RSpec matchers.
1660,19186,038miserWill annoy you every day with how much you spent last day.
1766,89886,038radiant-tools-extensionVarious tools (method, tags) for Radiant projects
1876,59086,038capistrano-githubIntegrates Capistrano with Github Deployments API
1981,16986,038sinatra_bicyclistCycle through pages at a regular interval
2089,47331,663unicorn-prewarmTo prewarm workers, warm caches and load everything before real requests.
21110,41042,025kontejnerDNS server for Docker running on Ruby
22112,12253,556fake_bsmobilRuby API faking Bank Sabadell API. Useful for testing clients.
23133,10786,038validate_uriLibrary for validating urls in Rails.
24134,10486,038octoberIRC Bot
25134,28786,038bamboo-rubyNo dependencies other than standard library
26142,96653,556marathon-rubyNo dependencies other than standard library
27153,88286,038newrelic-rodanewrelic instrument for roda
28167,92086,038radiant-taginator-extensionOriginal extension - https://github.com/jomz/radiant-tags-extension