Hone's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1218448redis-namespaceAdds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is us...
28921,850resqueResque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...
31,0901,889rails_stdout_loggingSets Rails to log to stdout
41,0991,857rails_serve_static_assetsForce Rails to serve static assets
51,1391,908rails_12factorRun Rails the 12factor way
62,8998,361jruby-launcherBuilds and installs a native launcher for JRuby on your system
720,18054,620helix_runtimeThe Helix Runtime
868,41454,620helix-railsHelix for Rails
992,62154,620text_transformTransform text using the power of helix/rust
10163,16254,620hammerCLI tool to help building binaries using Heroku's anvil
11165,04954,620viseLibrary to assist with building binaries using Heroku's anvil