Robinbrouwer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,03911,043gritterThis Ruby on Rails gem allows you to easily add Growl-like notifications to your applic...
213,90816,639bootstrap_flash_messagesBootstrap alerts and Rails flash messages combined in one easy-to-use gem.
332,99763,432exhibitExhibit is a simple gem to generate and work with presenters in Rails 3. It is based on...
451,44763,432stagerStager is a Rails 3.1 gem to create scaffolds, controllers and models. The files create...
5110,07163,432airlockAuthentication engine.
6117,55663,432ie6_fixerA Ruby on Rails gem with some Javascript en CSS hacks to fix some problems in IE6. Also...
7120,40241,916define_imagesEasily define images only once and show them in your views in a DRY manner.