Srosa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,61035,772chart-candyChart Candy use D3.js library to quickly render AJAX charts in your Rails project. In a...
230,62529,054neat-pagesA simple pagination API to paginate Mongoid Models.
349,845135,887coffee-cupCoffee Cup set the foundations of a Rails like structure for your all your CoffeeScript...
452,516135,887taxedoThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
563,27454,969mongoid-sorted-relationsPreserve the order of the mongoid documents in a referenced one-to-many or many-to-many...
664,74654,969mongoid-genesisMongoid Genesis will give you the ability to override attribute values without losing t...
765,88254,969hash-treeHashTree help you to work with nested hashes and arrays.
873,459135,887caissonCaisson will provide a set of tools to facilitate the integration of Zurb-Foundation to...
979,345135,887rspec-compact-doc-formatterCompact yet descriptive Rspec format.
1096,547135,887rspec-aspicVarious tools for RSpec
11100,40775,441errors-rendererThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
12131,41694,831neat-spreadsheetSimplify the task of building a spreadsheet in Rails. This gem is based on the Spreadsh...