Briandamaged's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,13761,367holdonHoldOn until a condition is true
232,07961,367b-lazyExtends core Ruby objects to provide inherent support for lazy-evaluation.
332,44461,367unobservableAn alternative to Ruby's Observable mixin
436,46717,333logbertChange your logging behaviors without mucking with your code!
560,40261,367backenupFile backups via Git
660,71961,367amazon_deetsScrapes product details from an Amazon product page
767,15861,367capybaristaUseful extensions for Capybara
870,17161,367underwareMiddleware for Ruby
971,34461,367flattenumGenerate a 'flattened' Enumerator of objects
1078,15561,367recsymRecursively symbolize Hashes
1178,16561,367confickleSimplified access to config files.
1279,75861,367resque_rangerRake tasks and such for Resque
1383,32161,367ungodlyRake task generator for the God gem
1489,29461,367dizzyDependency Injection that won't make your head spin
1591,51761,367brainstormCreates chains of events for easy data processing
1696,53661,367envyousEnvironmentally-friendly config!
17106,26161,367dst-modsExtract data from Don't Starve Together mods
18112,93161,367cappedPlace a cap on your potentially infinite loops
19112,95561,367superbA supERB template helper for ERB!
20134,39961,367publish2Generic API for storing data
21144,97861,367super_grouperConvert collections into hierarchical groups
22147,12161,367prebuild.meCLI for
23168,20161,367publish2-s3Publish2 backend for AWS-S3