1 | 23,062 | 14,593 | holdon | HoldOn until a condition is true |
2 | 32,399 | 51,488 | b-lazy | Extends core Ruby objects to provide inherent support for lazy-evaluation. |
3 | 32,725 | 129,735 | unobservable | An alternative to Ruby's Observable mixin |
4 | 36,744 | 32,595 | logbert | Change your logging behaviors without mucking with your code! |
5 | 60,798 | 51,488 | backenup | File backups via Git |
6 | 61,091 | 32,595 | amazon_deets | Scrapes product details from an Amazon product page |
7 | 67,487 | 51,488 | capybarista | Useful extensions for Capybara |
8 | 70,459 | 129,735 | underware | Middleware for Ruby |
9 | 71,874 | 32,595 | flattenum | Generate a 'flattened' Enumerator of objects |
10 | 78,576 | 32,595 | confickle | Simplified access to config files. |
11 | 78,590 | 129,735 | recsym | Recursively symbolize Hashes |
12 | 79,990 | 129,735 | resque_ranger | Rake tasks and such for Resque |
13 | 83,669 | 23,861 | ungodly | Rake task generator for the God gem |
14 | 89,555 | 51,488 | dizzy | Dependency Injection that won't make your head spin |
15 | 91,906 | 51,488 | brainstorm | Creates chains of events for easy data processing |
16 | 96,760 | 51,488 | envyous | Environmentally-friendly config! |
17 | 106,563 | 32,595 | dst-mods | Extract data from Don't Starve Together mods |
18 | 113,346 | 51,488 | capped | Place a cap on your potentially infinite loops |
19 | 113,367 | 129,735 | superb | A supERB template helper for ERB! |
20 | 134,689 | 129,735 | publish2 | Generic API for storing data |
21 | 145,414 | 51,488 | super_grouper | Convert collections into hierarchical groups |
22 | 147,637 | 129,735 | prebuild.me | CLI for prebuild.me |
23 | 168,890 | 129,735 | publish2-s3 | Publish2 backend for AWS-S3 |