1 | 35,304 | 86,038 | streamit | Provide feed stream like feature to rails applications |
2 | 46,051 | 21,532 | lh-vagrant-dns | A RubyDns plugin for Vagrant 1.1.x |
3 | 46,060 | 86,038 | faye_tracking | Faye extension for tracking user subscriptions, i.e. can be used for checking if a user... |
4 | 65,289 | 26,609 | hakoy | Parse and organize data into timestamp-sliced directories. |
5 | 86,012 | 86,038 | buddies_avatar | Part of the 'buddies' gem that aims to bring some common social features to a rails sit... |
6 | 88,928 | 53,556 | lh-faraday-auth-hmac | Signs Faraday requests with AuthHMAC |
7 | 115,314 | 86,038 | simple_mobile_oauth | Very Heyook projects opinionated mobile OAuth solution. |
8 | 115,647 | 86,038 | simple_token_auth | Simple and safe token authentication library that uses Rails' `authenticate_or_request_... |
9 | 146,068 | 86,038 | date_time_with_zone | Help deal with datetime with zones. |