Ryanong's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,4904,933spySpy is a mocking library that was made for the modern age. It supports only 2.1.0+. Spy...
215,37947,988mongoid_spacialmongoid_spacial simplifies spacial calculations. Adds integration into mongoid so pagin...
335,27334,287vast_apiA ruby wrapper for the http://www.vast.com/ api
445,76047,988capybara-experienceAbstractions for Capybara to manage multiple user sessions, encapsulate shared test beh...
556,67847,988bit_maskbit_mask creates a simple api to create bit mask models. By bit masking dataing you can...
666,76247,988to_insaneToInsane allows you to convert strings and integers to a Base larger than the default m...
783,12647,988bit_hashbit_hash is a useful tool to pass through options through a string. The best usecases w...
8146,71347,988serdeeSerdee is a highly customizable serialization and deserialization library that is stric...