Noniq's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,177700caxlsxxlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...
21,8191,481caxlsx_railsCaxlsx_Rails provides an Caxlsx renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code from...
323,65420,978da-suspendersDIE ANTWORT's fork of thoughtbot's original Suspenders. Suspenders is an upgradeable ba...
438,31220,331da-jsSome jQuery extensions we tend to use in almost all our projects.
553,20385,863lighter_boxLightweight accessible lightbox.
663,92438,253jquery-rails-aristoIntegrates the "Aristo" jQuery UI Theme (see
773,47338,253da-has_tokenUse `has_token` in your model to automatically generate a unique token on before_create...
8105,09242,915cologne_phoneticsThe Cologne phonetics (also Kölner Phonetik, Cologne process) algorithm encodes words i...