Rcampos's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,277979png_quantizatorSmall wrapper around pngquant
22,1124,789best_in_placeBestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails helper that provide the method best_in_place...
319,01018,388saviourFile storage handler following active record model lifecycle
421,94735,677armottranslation support for your models with an I18n active-record backend
527,35059,086interpretManage your app translations with an i18n active_record backend
635,99359,086dejavuRemember your object after a redirect
742,33235,677wazowskideclarative active record data observers
857,74659,086lazyhashadd values to a hash with an arbitrary deep of keys
958,33959,086dobexerIntegrates DelayedJob with Exception Notifier
1058,70059,086data_keeperEasy management of database dumps for dev env
1175,21628,543rspec-notify-osdrspec notifications for notify-osd
1283,28235,677toquaCollection of small utilities for controllers in rails applications
1393,29059,086emilioParse incoming emails with IMAP
14113,95959,086kick_aheadPush code to execute in the future, without dependencies
15118,55659,086doureMinimal abstraction to write parameterized filters for ActiveRecord models
16131,06959,086human_user_agentGet human readable user agent values from the raw value
17131,61835,677str2timeConvert string time representations into seconds