1 | 9,149 | 11,892 | sugar-rails | Sugar, tastefully bundled for the Rails 3.0 and up. Sweet! |
2 | 12,798 | 12,755 | markitup-rails | The markItUp! universal markup editor, bundled for Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline. |
3 | 22,272 | 58,846 | thincloud-test | Opinionated test dependencies and conventions for Ruby applications. |
4 | 27,394 | 46,777 | thincloud-authentication | Rails Engine to provide authentication for Thincloud applications |
5 | 32,891 | 23,174 | keymaster-rails | Keymaster.js, bundled for Rails 3.0 and up. |
6 | 41,463 | 117,678 | thincloud-postmark | Postmark configuration for Rails apps. |
7 | 62,545 | 53,263 | thincloud-resque | Thincloud Resque is an extraction of the New Leaders resque recipes packaged up as a Ra... |
8 | 76,956 | 117,678 | thincloud-test-rails | Opinionated testing framework dependencies and configuration for Rails applications. |
9 | 77,505 | 68,530 | farbtastic-rails | Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker, colorfully bundled for Rails 3+. |
10 | 80,519 | 58,846 | rails-test-toolbox | An opinionated list of helpful testing tools for working with Ruby on Rails. |
11 | 81,876 | 53,263 | pinboard_api | A Ruby client for the Pinboard.in API |
12 | 96,823 | 68,530 | year_after_year | This plugin allows you to keep your copyright year up-to-date. |
13 | 99,372 | 77,965 | rails-development-toolbox | An opinionated list of helpful development tools for working with Ruby on Rails. |
14 | 101,925 | 77,965 | keyboardjs-rails | KeyboardJS, typed up for the Rails 3.0 and up. Sweet! |
15 | 103,138 | 97,080 | rails-four-queueing | It's the Queue from Rails 4, backported to Rails 3.2+ for your Queueing pleasure. |
16 | 103,149 | 68,530 | phlipper-gem-test | Test gem to see if I can cut gems like @elskwid |
17 | 103,546 | 97,080 | rails-queue | Rails.queue (from Rails 4), backported to Rails 3.2+ |
18 | 104,724 | 77,965 | thincloud-deployment | Opinionated framework dependencies, configuration, and recipes for Capistrano-based dep... |
19 | 121,033 | 97,080 | forem-kramdown | Provides Kramdown markup (with syntax highlighting by CodeRay) for Forem posts |
20 | 123,051 | 77,965 | chaves-rails | chaves.js, bundled for Rails 3.0 and up. |
21 | 128,505 | 97,080 | dead_letter_office | Undeliverable emails (deliveries which raise exceptions) will be logged to the database... |