Codyswann's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,83441,916gunnertechnologyThe Gunner Technology gem contains much of the functionality we use from Rails project ...
228,19263,432acts_as_activitableacts_as_activitable is a gem that creates a database schema, methods and relationships ...
334,66163,432how_are_we_doingThis gem will help you track shares (Facebook, Twitter, Email), Prints and Views
459,05863,432statickerThis gem contains a mountable engine that will allow rails applications to use static p...
572,27941,916schedule_attsProvides form attributes setting a recurring schedule.
677,90463,432noaaerThis gem will help you utilize the NOAA API for weather data
784,20463,432acts_as_connectableAids in configuring OmniAuth and desvise
896,30363,432spree_herokuThe major constraint on Heroku is that we can't write files to disk, so this extension ...
998,09063,432spree_cmsThis gem will add simple Content Management System functionality like blog posts, pages...
10127,39363,432heroku_san_gtManage multiple Heroku instances/apps for a single Rails app using Rake
11172,44163,432active_elastic_job_gunnerRun background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...