1 | 36,254 | 21,040 | paperclip-s3 | The gem will simply extend the has_attached_file to make it store on Amazon S3 when the... |
2 | 43,319 | 74,510 | make_permalink | Gem that creates a permalink based on an objects attribute. Use make_permalink :attribu... |
3 | 44,445 | 74,510 | contestify | Gem to prepare internal programming contests taking problems from the COCI contests. |
4 | 60,822 | 74,510 | heroku-s3-backup-zinergia | Backup your heroku database to S3 without suffering. Based on http://almosteffortless.c... |
5 | 83,153 | 74,510 | add_gem | "Command-line tool to append new gems to your Gemfile." |
6 | 90,349 | 33,946 | popular_stream | Ruby gem to track popular streams with a redis backend. |
7 | 94,952 | 74,510 | version_gemfile | Tool to add version to your Gemfile's gems. |
8 | 102,455 | 74,510 | reminder | This gem will allow you to create simple, repeating reminders with growl |
9 | 124,663 | 74,510 | githubtip | Simple gem that prints a github tip on your terminal |
10 | 127,580 | 74,510 | traffiq | Simple queue helpers for Ride. |
11 | 135,715 | 74,510 | easy_auth-zinergia | EasyAuth-Zinergia |