Nhocki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
136,65557,505paperclip-s3The gem will simply extend the has_attached_file to make it store on Amazon S3 when the...
243,86730,732make_permalinkGem that creates a permalink based on an objects attribute. Use make_permalink :attribu...
344,91630,732contestifyGem to prepare internal programming contests taking problems from the COCI contests.
461,39157,505heroku-s3-backup-zinergiaBackup your heroku database to S3 without suffering. Based on http://almosteffortless.c...
583,75557,505add_gem"Command-line tool to append new gems to your Gemfile."
690,81057,505popular_streamRuby gem to track popular streams with a redis backend.
795,13230,732version_gemfileTool to add version to your Gemfile's gems.
8103,04157,505reminderThis gem will allow you to create simple, repeating reminders with growl
9125,41157,505githubtipSimple gem that prints a github tip on your terminal
10128,35957,505traffiqSimple queue helpers for Ride.