1 | 17,599 | 86,038 | vmc_knife | Extensions for VMC the CLI of VMWare's Cloud Foundry |
2 | 75,228 | 86,038 | mongoid_order | An easy way to make Mongoid documents order-able by adding position field |
3 | 98,236 | 53,556 | rb_reloader | You set the path that needs monitored, and the gem will do the reload for you automatic... |
4 | 108,121 | 86,038 | omniauth-howtodo | The omniauth plugin to support authentication from howtodo.me |
5 | 129,224 | 86,038 | axu-i18n-timezones | The purpose of this gem is to simply provide timezone translations. The gem is intended... |