Abrandoned's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0272,710protobufGoogle Protocol Buffers serialization and RPC implementation for Ruby.
27,85513,026action_subscriberActionSubscriber is a DSL that allows a rails app to consume messages from a RabbitMQ b...
39,10814,267active_remoteActive Remote provides Active Record-like object-relational mapping over RPC. It was wr...
411,07813,456active_publisherA library for publshing messages to RabbitMQ
512,87313,456protobuf-activerecordProvides the ability to create Active Record objects from Protocol Buffer messages and ...
613,65014,267lifeguardDo you have a threadpool? Do you need someone to watch it? Look no further!
714,61214,267pluck_eachpluck_each and plucK_in_batches ... should behave like find_each and find_in_batches
816,76720,663protobuf-rspecProtobuf RSpec helpers for testing services and clients. Meant to be used with the prot...
916,91924,889spectaclesSpectacles adds database view functionality to ActiveRecord. Current supported adapters...
1021,72416,885protobuf-natsruby-protobuf client/server for nats
1124,82059,086birddogSeeeeeeeee Readme
1225,06559,086activerecord-jdbcvertica-adapterAn ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica databases (jdbc based)
1325,20159,086active_remote-cachedProvides "cached" finders and a DSL to enumerate which finders should have cached versions
1426,87335,677activerecord-committed_observeradding after_commit_on_create, after_commit_on_update, after_commit_on_destroy to obser...
1530,11528,543mondrian_redis_segment_cacheSegment Cache for Mondrian written in JRuby with Redis as the cache store
1633,18259,086fireboltSimple little cache warmer.
1737,88035,677vladlevLevenshtein matching algorithm for ruby using C with an FFI extension
1838,56459,086heredityprovides class inheritable attributes outside of rails and other gem/frameworks
1940,56535,677saxomatticA gem to combine all the wonderful that is sax-machine with the magic that is active_attr
2043,86235,677multi_op_queuetake default Queue from Ruby and allow multiple operations while holding lock
2145,57259,086harness-active_publishera gem to collect instrumation stats from active_publisher and forward them to harness
2245,71535,677ffi-radix_treeradix tree implementation in c++ with FFI bindings
2347,29535,677cachecatazCachecataz is for namespace expiry in a cache where the cache provider does not enable ...
2448,07559,086httparrothelps cut through the clutter of HTTP testing
2552,10259,086ws_clientSimple websocket client in ruby
2658,13435,677socketpoolSocketPool class to mangage socket based client access [based on MongoDB pool class]
2762,42913,960ffi-fasttextFFI bindings for Facebook's FastText text classification library
2864,58459,086jruby_coerciongem to facilitate automatic coercion between jruby/java objects
2965,39859,086trinidad_scheduler_extensionExtension to support scheduled jobs in Trinidad
3067,83024,889try_chainusing try that takes an array of chainable try calls
3168,99859,086non_printable_sanitizationRack middleware that filters non-printable characters from input
3278,10359,086coerced_attr_writersetters with type coercion for set* methods on java classes using the jruby coercion in...
3378,71120,663ffi-hiredis_vip-corecore library for FFI bingings for hiredis_vip (clustering support)
3488,29659,086harness-action_subscriberRecord statsd metrics about ActionSubscriber via Harness
3589,62635,677rabl-extend-compilera set of rake tasks to compile and verify rabl templates that use `extend` for moooooaa...
3696,07535,677harness-protobuf-natsa gem to collect instrumentation metrics from protobuf-nats
3796,73435,677first_ofprioritize values of fallback methods
38101,14424,889ffi-hiredis_vipFFI Wrapper for hiredis-vip
39102,49059,086crazy_pillsJust don't use this gem
40102,97935,677darryl_jenksCalculates the permutations of a strings based on a key string / regex
41104,77159,086jruby-coerciongem to facilitate automatic coercion between jruby/java objects
42105,37059,086java_to_base64simple utility module to provide to_base64 and from_base64 for java objects
43112,36059,086redis-renewSimple gem that extends redis expiry of keys when accessed
44116,36959,086fast_blank_javaan attempt at a fast_blank for JRuby
45119,59759,086buffaloDon't use this yet!
46120,90859,086protobuf_java_helpersJava helpers for ruby-protobuf/protobuf
47137,21259,086chunky_csvSplits large csv files into smaller ones
48138,07659,086multi_json-jr_jacksonUsing JrJackson for JSON serialization on the jruby platform
49139,55359,086i_can_has_java_classa small gem to check to see if a java class can be found
50142,72159,086monkey_patcher_patcherDon't ever use this, but sometimes you want to just use it
51144,57835,677ffi-rc4OpenSSL/RC4 through FFI
52153,42159,086validbotcontextual validations for controllers and wanna learn to do other stuff good too