Brianhempel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5251,482active_record_unionUNIONs in ActiveRecord! Adds proper union and union_all methods to ActiveRecord::Relation.
22,6151,528roundingFloor/nearest/ceiling rounding by arbitrary steps for Integers, Floats, Times, TimeWith...
33,6789,247mongo_mapperMongoMapper is a Object-Document Mapper for Ruby and Rails
46,4804,159base_xConvert numbers into and out of any base, also allows encoding and decoding binary data...
58,17011,258hash_to_hidden_fieldsIn goes a hash, out comes hidden fields. Great for preserving Rails parameters without ...
612,21136,605mongo_session_store-rails4Rails session stores for MongoMapper, Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, a...
712,22053,223mongo_session_store-rails3Rails session stores for MongoMapper, Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4...
814,22997,699simple_statsSimple mean, median, modes, sum, and frequencies for Ruby arrays and enumerables. Teste...
917,53753,223human_tokenTokens for humans: no ambiguous characters! Highly configurable.
1031,00953,223deploy_and_deliverMark Pivotal Tracker stories as Delivered on deploy.
1143,92853,223fuzzy_toolsEasy, high quality fuzzy search in Ruby.
1253,09797,699mongo_sequenceLight-weight sequences for MongoDB, useful for auto-incrementing or counting. Works wi...
1390,39397,699mm-logged-timeLogging of query time and load time for MongoMapper
1495,76697,699gogoPseudo-shell hack with Rails environment preloaded for faster boot times and thus faste...