Paneq's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3902,368ruby_event_storeRuby implementation of an event store. Ships with in-memory event repository, generic i...
22,4062,370aggregate_rootEvent sourced aggregate root implementation for RubyEventStore
32,4152,470rails_event_store_active_recordPersistent event repository implementation for RubyEventStore based on ActiveRecord. Sh...
42,4172,465rails_event_storeRails wrapper for RubyEventStore with batteries included. Ships with asynchronous after...
52,4832,442arkency-command_busCommand Pattern - decoupling what is done from who does it.
64,9866,425bounded_contextGenerate opinionated component structure.
76,43520,275rails_event_store-rspecRSpec matchers for RailsEventStore
88,89221,627active_reloadReload Rails code in development mode only when change is deteced
919,25061,367ruby_event_store-romImplementation of events repository based on ROM for Ruby Event Store
1020,62961,367chilloutChillout gem tracks your ActiveRecord models statistics.
1122,5208,886protobuf_nested_structSerialize primitives and deep structures (array, hash) to protobuf
1223,72814,600bbqObjected oriented acceptance testing for Rails, using personas.
1325,71661,367easy_globalize3_accessorsDefine methods for accessing translated attributes
1430,19761,367rails_event_store-browserWeb interface for RailsEventStore
1534,48561,367capybara-js_findersAdditional finders for capybara that for some reason cannot use only xpath for find...
1636,43619,101m2rMongrel2 Rack handler and pure handler. Works with Rack, so it works with Rails!
1738,78661,367activemodel-warningsMark some validations as warnings and let them be easily skipped
1845,90461,367wroc_loveYour personal genie for all your wroc_love.rb 2012 needs!
1954,82161,367rails_event_store_active_record-legacyImplementation of events repository based on Rails Active Record for Rails Event Store....
2073,22061,367global_booleanBoolean() / GlobalBoolean.Boolean() methods.
2183,59061,367bbq-widgetEasily scope user interactions with site using bbq widgets
22102,45661,367bbq-spawnSpawn and coordinate background processes for black box testing.
23112,29661,367as_readonlySafely expose collections as readonly objects
24118,44841,086http_event_storeHttpEventStore is a HTTP connector to the Greg's Event Store.
25127,76741,086minitest-instrument-dbStore information about speed of test execution provided by minitest-instrument in data...
26128,03341,086minitest-instrumentInstrument ActiveSupport::Notifications when test method is executed
27136,74041,086not_activerecordGem which helps you in not providing associations