1 | 4,372 | 3,340 | paranoia_uniqueness_validator | Adds the validates_uniqueness_without_deleted validator to ignore deleted fields when v... |
2 | 4,660 | 5,380 | tilt-jbuilder | Jbuilder support for Tilt |
3 | 11,553 | 31,663 | dirigible | An Urban Airship v3 API wrapper written in Ruby |
4 | 18,795 | 14,857 | paperclip-dimension-validator | Validate image height and width for Paperclip |
5 | 24,059 | 53,556 | soulless | Create Rails style models without the database (and Rails). |
6 | 29,361 | 28,793 | errawr | Easily define and raise localized errors. |
7 | 43,792 | 31,663 | skittles | A Ruby implementation of the Foursquare v2 REST API. This library implements the Foursq... |
8 | 44,930 | 35,920 | errawr-http | Raise 4xx and 5xx HTTP status code errors using Errawr |
9 | 52,130 | 20,054 | vcardio | RFC 6350 compliant implementation of vCard for Ruby |
10 | 55,125 | 53,556 | errawr-rails | Raise and render errors in Rails using Errawr |
11 | 56,857 | 20,054 | manilla | Break long logical lines of text into multiple
delimited repres... |
12 | 69,602 | 86,038 | rosebud | Rails API parameter validation |
13 | 73,518 | 42,025 | ar_book_finder | Access book data on ARBookFinder |
14 | 84,212 | 42,025 | guard-sunspot | Guard::Sunspot automatically starts and stops your solr server. |
15 | 87,619 | 42,025 | shirtsio | A shirts.io API wrapper written in Ruby |
16 | 124,174 | 86,038 | delayed_sunspot | Delayed Job support for Sunspot |
17 | 127,286 | 86,038 | activerecord-postgres-postgis | Write a longer description. Optional. |