Ooyala's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
138,08218,158remote_http_testingA small library for making remote HTTP requests and response assertions in tests.
240,37230,305ecologyEcology sets configuration data for an application based on environment variables and o...
356,33263,432termiteTermite wraps syslog with a format for extra data, and for what you wish it would send ...
459,96330,305flagsFlags is a framework for Ruby which allows the definition of command-line flags, which ...
572,15563,432panachePanache is a simple way to create style checkers for various languages. It does simple ...
699,22663,432noduleNodule lets you declare Topologies of processes, which can be started or stopped togeth...
7121,98863,432cassandra-queueCassandra Queue is a queue that uses cassandra as a backend, that can hopefully be used...
8122,29430,305m3u8_generatorOoyala HLS M3U8 Generator is capable of generating master and slave iOS m3u8 files.
9124,67163,432hasturHastur API client gem
10136,10441,916log_replayerReads access logs and replays them
11145,58563,432glowwormGlowworm queries and caches feature flags from a central REST server, while balancing q...