1 | 2,303 | 3,317 | spdx-licenses | Provides validation and additional data about SPDX licenses and identifiers |
2 | 2,431 | 3,135 | jgrep | Compare a list of json documents to a simple logical language and returns matches as ou... |
3 | 4,317 | 5,068 | scoped_search | Scoped search makes it easy to search your ActiveRecord-based models.
It will crea... |
4 | 7,935 | 10,522 | as_deprecation_tracker | Tracks known ActiveSupport (Rails) deprecation warnings and catches new issues when an ... |
5 | 12,880 | 24,968 | rkerberos | The rkerberos library is an interface for the Kerberos 5 network
authentication pro... |
6 | 14,481 | 26,609 | rspec-puppet-augeas | RSpec tests for Augeas resources in Puppet manifests |
7 | 40,324 | 86,038 | newt | Ruby bindings for newt TUI library |
8 | 41,478 | 42,025 | ipaddrjs-rails | A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript. For Rails. |
9 | 84,439 | 86,038 | foreman_param_lookup | Exposes smart class parameters lookups as an API |
10 | 141,231 | 86,038 | rspec-system-foreman | Foreman rspec-system plugin |