Bolshakov's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9782,504stoplightAn implementation of the circuit breaker pattern.
26,9956,842fearRuby port of some Scala's monads.
38,12411,442stoplight-adminA simple administration interface for Stoplight.
49,21811,981fear-rspecRSpec matchers for Fear gem
59,84310,058activeadmin_sortable_tableDrag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables
620,81215,758activeadmin-reformProvides ability to use form object in your ActiveAdmin application
733,43127,598spbtv_code_styleSpbTV code style
833,68016,300active_record-sequenceProvide access to PostgreSQL's sequences
934,52740,310mightMighty resource fetchers build on top of Ransack gem
1039,53240,310sidekiq-global_idProvides Sidekiq middleware to serialize ActiveRecord objects with GlobalId
1151,28940,310rfc5646Parsing RFC 5646 locale
1262,81540,310allowed_paramsAllow to filter and validate params on rails controllers
1374,06127,598sidekiq_error_labelLabel sidekiq exception.
1475,54540, API binding
1585,37640,310composed_commandsTool for creating commands and commands chains.
1689,96027,598spbtv_json_validatorEnsure model field is valid JSON
1792,01840,310ruby_coding_standardRuby coding standard focused on reducing unnecessary changes, consistency, and develope...
18111,35040,310rspec_active_model_serializersRSpec matchers for testing integration between Rails' controllers and ActiveModel::Seri...
19117,96940,310attribute_translatorTranslate model attribute values from locales
20122,09227,598rightMighty resource fetchers build on top of Ransack gem
21132,27240,310nevzorovGenerates Alexander Nevzorov podcast feed
22133,06940,310spbtv_pickleEasy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
23141,35840,310cql-instrumentationCQL queries and durations logging for cql-rb and Rails
24145,88040,310status_tag_forActiveAdmin component which shows predicate as status.
25146,74440,310with_uidGenerate customizable uid for your ActiveRecord models
26167,25840,310nextAcotrs for ruby
27168,62340,310moist-actionBetter controller actions
28177,56740,310configxConfigX is a Ruby library for configuration management. It provides battle-tested defau...
29178,72040,310stoplight-sentrySentry notifier for Stoplight
30181,14940,310dry-types-fearThe gems enables you to use Fear::Option as optional type for Dry::Types