Krainboltgreene's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1309597vcrRecord your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for ...
2334634redis-storeNamespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo...
3355850redis-rackRedis Store for Rack applications
4363847redis-actionpackRedis session store for ActionPack. Used for storing the Rails session in Redis.
54581,369redis-activesupportRedis store for ActiveSupport
65421,594redis-railsRedis for Ruby on Rails
71,2732,074danteTurn any process into a demon.
81,9242,360hamsterEfficient, immutable, thread-safe collection classes for Ruby
96,3708,564active_model-better_errorsAPI consumable error messages with ActiveModel::Errors drop-in compatibility.
1013,03328,870omniauth-gplusA Google+ OAuth2 solution for Omniauth
1115,79554,620time-lordManaging concepts of time and space in Ruby
1218,99910,057paper_trail-backgroundA library for making paper_trail a background process
1319,89354,620architectureA DSL and object space for handling scaffolding
1426,75854,620shogunThe core library for an HTTP API framework
1527,00254,620astructA better version of OpenStruct
1627,64954,620authnAn incredibly bare bones authentication library
1732,69354,620localizationA dirt simple localization gem
1835,91028,870jsonapi-realizerA way to take json:api requests and turn them into models
1937,22154,620smart_paramsApply an organized and easy to maintain schema to request params
2038,28754,620authn-railsThe rails integration for authn
2138,63954,620active_record-writeA library for doing pooled writes to a SQL Datbase
2246,37854,620hexpressHexpress is for Human Expressions, similar to Verbal Expressions
2351,34418,028pipl-apiAn interface for the Pipl API
2451,89021,695rack-commonloggerWrites commonlogger to responses
2553,28254,620termnoteA terminal based keynote presentation machine
2653,32054,620action_operationA set of BPMN style operation logic
2756,39554,620email_spyOpens up your Rails emails
2862,84618,028rack-conditional_getMiddleware that catches Last-Modified and Etag requests
2964,06754,620intrinsicIntrinsic adds properties to your objects
3067,63554,620scrawlTurn hashes into simple log-ready output
3170,41336,248rack-runtimeMiddleware that records and writes runtime to responses
3273,24754,620jsonapi-materializerA way to turn data models into outbound json:api responses
3375,28854,620distributeA small distribution method for binaries or libraries.
3478,76054,620accessorA syntactically better accessor, setter, and getter metamethod generator
3586,78754,620authn-activationThe plugin library for AuthN and Rails
3688,78054,620jsonapi-homeAn early implementation of JSONAPIHome, a fork of JSONHome
3788,79021,695rack-authentication_bearerMiddleware for handling Bearer type Authentication
3891,39454,620active_record-poolactive_record-pool is an extension to active_record that gives you an interface to writ...
3991,79154,620array-whereQuery your arrays.
4092,63124,730rack-etagWrites ETag to responses
41101,64854,620foremThe best Rails 3 forum engine in the world.
42105,69728,870parslet-exportTurn Parslet::Parser into other things
43110,42828,870rack-body_deserializerDeserializes the body of request
44117,85154,620net-http-signatureA signing library for HTTP requests
45129,31454,620tardisA library for managing units of time and traversal of time.
46138,15454,620lackA modular Ruby webserver interface.
47140,22854,620whiskeyA simple MUTE Engine
48143,18636,248rack-logGives a global scope logger for rack middleware
49143,23954,620alsoA tiny tool for running multiple processes concurrently
50143,41936,248rack-content_length_setterMiddleware that autowrites Content-Length to responses
51144,09736,248rack-body_serializerMiddleware for serializing response bodies
52144,23036,248rack-chunkerMiddleware for chunking the body of a response
53144,72754,620groundskeeperA simple multi-tenancy middleware with options
54145,06236,248rack-accept_setterMiddleware that writes Accept header to responses
55151,50936,248rails-subpartialAllowing rails to look in subfolders first for partials
56165,93054,620jsonapi-resources-homeAn early implementation of JSONAPIHome, a fork of JSONHome
57167,97454,620stachA micro-mustache rendering engine.