Chrislee35's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5884,738dnsbl-clientsimple interface to lookup blacklists results
26,1597,418configparserparses configuration files compatable with Python's ConfigParser
314,65613,549passivedns-clientThis provides interfaces to various passive DNS databases to do the query and to normal...
431,70713,549structformatterExtends Structs, Hashes, and Arrays with .to_json, .to_xml, and .to_s. This handles ne...
534,82916,120snort-ruleParses and generates Snort rules similar to PERL's Snort::Rule
647,36254,789passivetotalPassiveTotal offers an extensive API for users of the platform that maps most major act...
754,81154,789em-ftpd-memoryThis implements a simple in-memory storage of files for use with em-ftpd
859,04954,789wepawetWepawet is a service for detecting and analyzing web-based malware. It currently handle...
961,37454,789eventmachine-email_serverSimple POP3 and SMTP implementation in EventMachine for use in the Rubot framework
1063,97954,789flowtagpresents the user with a GUI interface to visualize and explore flows found from a give...
1165,18854,789passive-dnsThis provides interfaces to various passive DNS databases to do the query and to normal...
1265,34854,789arbor-atlasThe ATLAS portal today is a public resource that delivers a sub-set of the intelligence...
1367,27054,789shadowserverThe Shadowserver Foundation is an all volunteer watchdog group of security professional...
1467,59032,525cif-clientCIF is a cyber threat intelligence management system. CIF allows you to combine known m...
1584,59554,789threatexpertrovides a simple API to query ThreatExpert by malware name (to receive a list of matchi...
1693,87554,789yara-normalizeTo enable consistent comparisons between yara rules (signature), a uniform hashing stan...
17102,65454,789offensivecomputingRubygem for interacting with, a malware sharing community. This...
18111,50154,789eventmachine-dnsblFor use in the Rubot Emulation Framework, I needed an EventMachine-based implementation...
19111,83132,525eventmachine-irc-serverFor use in the Rubot Emulation Framework, this simple IRC server allows test bots to co...
20130,00354,789tk-double-sliderThis provides an advanced, double-headed slider widget that allows selection of a range...
21132,57354,789tk-parallel-coordinatesThis provides a rich Tk widget for displaying data across multiple axis with scaling.
22136,07254,789backscatterio[This is the API.](
23137,59454,789tk-parallelcoordinatesThis provides a rich Tk widget for displaying data across multiple axes with scaling.
24138,14354,789ratelimit-bucketbasedSimple rate limiting gem useful for regulating the speed at which service is provided, ...
25138,37854,789tk-doublesliderThis provides an advanced, double-headed slider widget that allows selection of a range...
26139,79454,789teamcymruTeam Cymru provides a variety of services for network and security operators. This Rub...
27153,29954,789eventmachine-email_server-sqlite3This provides the implementation of a user and email store for an EventMachine-based SM...
28153,88454,789eventmachine-email_server-maildirThis provides the implementation of a user and email store for an EventMachine-based SM...
29155,69454,789opml_janitorThis gem provides a tool for cleaning up OPML feeds.