Leoc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5652,752turnipProvides the ability to define steps and run Gherkin files from with RSpec
220,40941,086em-systemcommand`em-systemcommand` is a simple abstraction for invoking system commands and handling th...
343,09461,367rindleThe Rindle gem provides an object-oriented way to manage kindle collection data.
444,41161,367ledger-restProvide a REST web service for ledger.
568,74261,367em-fs`em-fs` provides libraries to access file system commands through an API similar to the...
690,33329,456mbidleListen to IMAP changes via IMAP idle.
799,46361,367kindlefsKindleFS mounts the collection information of a Kindle device as file system in user sp...
8126,67061,367aqbanking`aqbanking` is a simple wrapper around the AqBanking commandline utilities.
9134,91641,086shutdown-dialogA simple shutdown dialog
10140,34761,367ruby_dig2Enhanced Array#dig and Hash#dig implementation.