Cespare's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5071,420retriesRetries is a gem for retrying blocks with randomized exponential backoff.
211,87353,556scopeConcise unit testing in the spirit of Shoulda
312,98742,025pathologicalPathological provides a way to manage a project's require paths by using a small config...
413,21617,852dedentThis gem adds a dedent method to strings to strip leading spaces from each line while p...
513,69186,038fezzikA light deployment system that gets out of your way
626,87086,038pinionPinion is a Rack application that you can use to compile and serve assets (such as Java...
727,74286,038barkeep-clientA command-line client for Barkeep's REST API.
828,83722,512statuszstatusz is a gem that writes out git metadata at deploy time.
931,43186,038terraformSet up a cold, inhospitable system using Terraform.
1040,23453,556ecologyEcology sets configuration data for an application based on environment variables and o...
1140,66486,038discoballA simple stream filter to highlight patterns
1241,38586,038weaveSimple parallel ssh.
1356,15486,038termiteTermite wraps syslog with a format for extra data, and for what you wish it would send ...
1459,77786,038deep_hashDeepHash is a collection of utilities for dealing with multi-level hashes.
1560,98731,663markdown_doctorAn absurdly simple script for rendering markdown with github styles.
1664,45486,038ez-nginx-proxyA very simple-to-use nginx wrapper for reverse proxying
1776,97635,920guard-restarterguard-restarter is a guard plugin to run a command (often a server) and restart it when...
1894,52642,025highballWho is the barkeep?
1998,78286,038rrproxyrrproxy is a very simple routing reverse proxy written in Ruby.
20110,49186,038testytestThis gem adds a dedent method to strings to strip leading spaces from each line while p...
21132,19986,038tlisttlist is a small todo-list manager with labels for tasks and a highly efficient workflow.
22140,17386,038testytest2This gem adds a dedent method to strings to strip leading spaces from each line while p...