Bradleypriest's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,01232,595gecko-rubyA Ruby interface to the TradeGecko API.
224,69451,488mailjet-microBasic Mailjet ActionMailer support
326,210129,735pxpayA Ruby wrapper around the DPS-hosted PxPay service
446,619129,735omniauth-tradegeckoOmniauth strategy for TradeGecko
568,36251,488access_token_wrapperWrapper for OAuth2::Token to automatically refresh the expiry token when expired.
685,31451,488bradleypriest-mollomRuby class for easy interfacing with the open API for spam detection and con...
7119,09851,488bradleypriest-on_the_spotUnobtrusive in place editing, using jEditable; only works in Rails 3
8129,25651,488ember-cli-rails-assets-6Include EmberCLI-generated JavaScript and CSS stylesheet tags in your Rails layouts