1 | 15,012 | 32,595 | gecko-ruby | A Ruby interface to the TradeGecko API. |
2 | 24,694 | 51,488 | mailjet-micro | Basic Mailjet ActionMailer support |
3 | 26,210 | 129,735 | pxpay | A Ruby wrapper around the DPS-hosted PxPay service |
4 | 46,619 | 129,735 | omniauth-tradegecko | Omniauth strategy for TradeGecko |
5 | 68,362 | 51,488 | access_token_wrapper | Wrapper for OAuth2::Token to automatically refresh the expiry token when expired. |
6 | 85,314 | 51,488 | bradleypriest-mollom | Ruby class for easy interfacing with the mollom.com open API for spam detection and con... |
7 | 119,098 | 51,488 | bradleypriest-on_the_spot | Unobtrusive in place editing, using jEditable; only works in Rails 3 |
8 | 129,256 | 51,488 | ember-cli-rails-assets-6 | Include EmberCLI-generated JavaScript and CSS stylesheet tags in your Rails layouts |