1 | 12,533 | 131,601 | baidu | Baidu Services Pack,including SEM, Map, Ranking and the others |
2 | 29,399 | 18,972 | qunar | 包含去哪酒店基本信息以及各ota报价信息 |
3 | 34,559 | 26,438 | webpage | a tool to extract some basic data from a webpage |
4 | 37,411 | 23,578 | ppc | ppc api for baidu qihu sogou sm |
5 | 40,920 | 26,438 | query | This GEM is designed to work for Chinese SEOers who need to fetch query and parse resul... |
6 | 65,976 | 131,601 | daodao | daodao hotel list. |
7 | 99,707 | 131,601 | baidumap | Baidu map services: place, geocoding, direction |
8 | 111,024 | 74,615 | sogou | sogou web services |
9 | 112,772 | 74,615 | rmmseg_seoaqua | FIX (describe your package) |